
Oct 31, 20191 min

Electronic Arts Return Digital Games to Steam Store

In an unexpected move, Electronic Arts (EA) known for many glorious titles (command and conquer, the original sims) and those we would rather bleach our eyeballs out. I’m looking at you, Andromeda has decided to return to the almighty Steam, library of all things gaming. The first of which will be the upcoming release of Star Wars: Fallen Order.

But what’s the catch? It’s been seven years since EA moved away from Steam leaving the Sims to be the last purchasable games available to consumers. Why would Electronic Arts return to Steam even though the game will still require an Electronic Arts account and the Origin PC client.

It’s likely to do with the recent revenue guarantees Epic Games has been offering companies such as Ubisoft, 2k and more noticeably, Borderlands 3. They will also be bringing their latest ‘games service’ pass ‘’EA Access’’ to Steam giving users access to a variety of games new and old for $4.99.

Apex Legends, a thriving battle royale would also see some large player bases moving onto the Steam Platform. Currently, Steam boasts a current player base of 8-12 million users and a peak of 14million.

In any case, it’s great that games such as Star Wars: Fallen Order and Apex Legends are coming to Steam. It’s great that consumers now have more choice once again. The partnership kicks off with Star Wars™ Jedi: Fallen Order launching on November 15 with further titles down the line.
